When a new contact is added to the system, whether manually by an operator or through an automated process, the system records essential contact details, including the name, email address, and any other pertinent information. Subsequently, the system is configured to automatically dispatch email notifications to the identified contacts upon the creation of a new contact. These email notifications contain comprehensive information about the newly added contact, encompassing details such as their name, email address, and additional relevant information.
Within the mail template, there is an option to activate a contact account. To commence the activation process, the user clicks on the activation link provided in the email. This action redirects them to the activation page on the system. On this activation page, contacts are prompted to provide a password to finalize the activation of their account in Output Desk. It’s important to note that the activation link is valid for 30 minutes, ensuring a secure and timely activation process.
For managing these settings, navigate to Settings > General > Notification Templates > New Contact. In this section, you can choose to enable or disable these configurations, and you also have the flexibility to customize the content of the email template based on your requirements.